

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We are updating the look of the app home page.  Tell us your opinion of the new proposed page.

 Old (No longer used)            NEW                                      



John at GiPSi said...

We picked the simplified screen which is included with the current release.

Westcoastguy said...

I used to have android phones and always loved your app and everyone around me wanted to know your vfr app. Do u make this for iPhone as I just switched over to iPhone Malcolm in Vancouver.

John Benedict said...


We don't have an iPhone version yet, not enough volume. However, if you still have any old Android, it will work find for navigation. You can load map tiles from any Wifi. It just won't make phone calls.

If you have one, hook up the charger near a wifi and go to the google apps store and download the free trial. EZ!

Happy flying,